Ray and Heather!

Ray has a girlfriend (a real girl) ………….. Heather!

Heather is a trainer at OMHS* and, while he has many friends there, he seems to get particularly excited when seeing her. He had developed a relationship with her during the 5 months that he lived there after being rescued.

We had an incident with Ray (a story for another time) which dictated he be returned to OMHS for a couple of weeks and, during this time, Heather was once again a significant part of his world.

Due to his severe separation anxiety, we needed a dog-sitter** if we were to have any chance of a life outside of our home. Unlike getting a sitter for a child, anybody taking on this role must be pre-approved by Ray otherwise the consequences could be significant. Heather came to our rescue and has since looked after him a number of times. It is ironic that, for her, there is no work involved because he is so comfortable with her around that he generally goes to sleep once we leave!

Towards the latter part of 2013, we knew that OMHS was selling a 2014 Calendar as a fund raising exercise and, having had nothing but amazing service and cooperation from them, decided that we should buy one. We also thought that, as Ray was the catalyst in our relationship with OMHS, we should let him buy the calendar!

After much thought and a number of dry runs, Ray was ready to offer $20.00 for an OMHS calendar. We now just needed to make the final arrangements but needed someone who Ray would be very comfortable with. We needed someone who would be willing and able to receive $20.00 from Ray, and of course Ray would only cooperate if he knew and liked that person. Heather!

2013 12 01f

Ray handed over the $20.00 and Heather gave him the calendar. Perfect!

On a personal note, whereas a number of individuals have had a positive impact on our Ray, we would like to acknowledge that Heather has gone “above and beyond” so many times for him and we offer our sincere gratitude for everything she has done. Thanks so much Heather. It is a real pleasure, and a privilege, to have you as part of Ray’s world.

*Oakville & Milton Humane Society.

**Refer to “Ray Sitting” – Jan 29, 2015

21 thoughts on “Ray and Heather!

  1. Calendar buying is serious business!

    I’m glad Ray has found someone who he can be comfortable with.

    I have my humans, but they’re the only ones I trust. Hmmm…maybe that’s why they say I have trust issues?

    xoxo Sookie

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Just look at that broad dog smile, not that I blame you Ray, she’s lovely! It’s very good of you to remain so involved in a worthy cause.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Well I often take my Mom and Dad there on my walks, which is about a 2hr outing allowing for a short social time there, and I usually get to see Heather when I’m there! My Mom and Dad know how important it is for me to stay in touch, and for them to keep supporting such a good cause. Woof! Ray.

      Liked by 1 person

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