Something Fishy?

This Post was not planned as such (I usually write Posts a week in advance so I always have a small number “in the bank” if needed!) however, we do have a development regarding the incident (lack of!) with the bag of dog biscuits* which I thought should be noted as early as possible.

The other lunch time, we went through our usual discussion about what to have for lunch and as none of the “regulars” sparked any excitement, we were considering options when Carol mentioned that we had a can of sardines in the cupboard. Voila! Sardines on toast! Problem solved.

She got the can out of the cupboard and immediately became Ray’s best friend! He was reaching up and pushing his nose right up against it. These cans do not seem to have changed in years because this one was exactly how I remember them in England a lifetime ago. They are a kind of oval shape (rectangle with rounded corners would be more accurate) with a section that pulled/rolled back to reveal the contents. This can was then wrapped in some kind of paper.

Not wishing to overstate the obvious, but to get into that can, you have to break through the wrapping, and then pull back on the lid which involves some effort as it does, after all, form an airtight seal on the can.

Ray displayed such an exceptional amount of interest in that can that we must conclude that he knew something really good was in there. I don’t suppose for one moment that he was thinking sardines, but likely something really, really, REALLY, yummy!

Here’s the reason for this Post! If he can pick up the scent of food through wrapping paper and a well-sealed can, he can obviously pick up the scent of biscuits through a bag. He could have so easily reached that bag; taken it off the table; gone into his den or somewhere else in the kitchen, and devoured the complete contents. Why didn’t he?

I cannot think of any explanation other than he knew he shouldn’t. He certainly gets excited when we give him one of those biscuits so it’s not as if they were really low down on his choice of treats. What a “guy”!

Those of you who have read most of our Posts (Ray’s antics + my writing = team work!) will realize just how far he has come in the two years that he has lived with us. For the benefit of recent Blog Followers, and to Followers who have not had the experience of a dog, the recipe was quite simple:

Be patient – Rome was not built in a day! Ray is still a “work in progress” after 2 years.

Be respectful – He may be “only a dog” but his mentality is similar to a human 3 yr old and so was treated as such. I like the saying “If you wouldn’t do it to a child, perhaps you shouldn’t be doing it to your dog.” A great answer to many training questions.

Get educated – We asked lots of questions; listened to the answers and applied them.

Love him – He wanted to feel appreciated just like us. That entailed the “tough love” concept which meant occasionally “separating him” from his actions. i.e. We didn’t always love what he did, but we could still love him for who he is.

Finally, we never let him feel that he was not part of our family. The more affection he showed towards us, the more comfortable we were responding to him and the end result is that he has become a “huge cuddle”. He still occasionally likes his space but then don’t we all?

*Related Post “Bag of Biscuits “ – Apr 23, 2015

11 thoughts on “Something Fishy?

  1. Cats are like that too. Jake can always tell when I bring a rotisserie chicken home (as can my husband). One of my favorite stories is about a cat I had a long time ago. I had a bag of six donuts on my kitchen counter. When I came home from work they were ALL gone. Very little powder sugar on the counter, just a nice empty bag that wasn’t too mangled. Everything was so neat I was never sure if a human broke in and ate my donuts or she did it. I later figured out it was the cat. She ate anything that wasn’t nailed down. Potato chips were her fav. Now what pet likes potato chips? As far as sardines, you all can have them. To me they are like anchovies, yuk! My Mom used to get those little tins and eat them for lunch.

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  2. I’ve had a few dogs before, but none as intuitive as Breck. At age 8, he has observed every action we do and knows 10 steps ahead of us what we’re going to do just by observing us. I have realized this and have been noting how he does this. He knows when we’re leaving, but waits for the right sequence to play out. He then gets excited as he knows a treat is coming.
    I surely believe Ray knows grabbing those bisquits is a no-no. Dogs are smart (mostly) and can be taught what you expect from them. I just think it’s a way simpler thought process than we make it out to be. Stealing treats = no. We humans always have to attach a ‘feeling’ or emotion to the process. But, I love the fact my dog is simple. I wish I was more like him!

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