The Biscuit Routine.

Not very long ago, I wrote a Post which included Ray’s morning routine*. Briefly, I am downstairs in our basement until around 8:00am at which time I come upstairs and into our kitchen.

Usually, between 7:30am and 8:00am, Carol will get up and give him his breakfast. When I come upstairs, Ray goes immediately into his crate/den, lays down, and waits for his biscuit from me.

On this past Tuesday, I had to be at the hospital at 8:15am and planned on walking there. I therefore started to get ready around 6:30am and left the house at 7:30am so, with me getting last minute things done together with the timing, Ray never got his biscuit from me.

I was back home at 11:00am on Wednesday. I had asked Carol to walk him before picking me up as I did not know quite how I would be feeling, and did not want to be greeted by an overexcited Ray. He was very good however and while seemingly puzzled over my absence, was very calm considering the circumstances.

When we got home, and while I was sitting in the kitchen, Ray sat right in front of me and stared. I was talking with Carol so ignored him but whenever I glanced back ….. he was staring at me. What was he trying to convey to me?

Ray clearly realized that I was not getting his message so suddenly turned, walked into his crate/den and lay down. This is typically the start of his early morning biscuit routine! Voila! The proverbial “light” went on! He did not get his biscuit from me earlier because I wasn’t there, but now I was there so “Where’s my biscuit Dad?”

Two interesting aspects of Ray came to light here. The first one was that whereas dogs may well live “in the moment”, his memory is very good when it comes to food routines and who does what. The second was his sense of entitlement! I found out, just after giving Ray his biscuit, that Carol had taken it upon herself to ensure that he got his 8:00am biscuit!

Ray is certainly “not just a pretty face”, but also an opportunist of the highest order!

* Related Post “Back to Crate Training” – April 25, 2015

24 thoughts on “The Biscuit Routine.

  1. Haha.. Even Sweety was like that. She used to wait for her certain favorite foods given by me, once given she used to jump around for more of it! Like a kid asking for more chocolate. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great observation about living in the moment but also the routine factor. Kali does the “stare” as well. Patient, but as you suggest, with a sense of entitlement. In the end they can always wait us out and win the “stare down” contest paws down.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Dogs aren’t daft. The first thing Maggie learns whenever we have a change of address (friend, family or even boat) is where the doggy cupboard is! This even goes for visiting dogs. They just seem to know where to sit and ‘look pathetic’! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Never underestimate a dogs want for a bisquit. I’m sure they would perform brain surgery if they knew it would result in a treat.

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  5. Ray is simply a very smart dog. He wanted that biscuit from you. It did not matter that he had gotten a biscuit from Carol. They are also creatures of habit. I see the intelligence in my dogs at odd times and they continue to astound me on how they figure some things out. I think my dogs are smarter than the human that loves them.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. It certainly is. One of my mother colleagues have a female dog, who won’t eat anything unless the Aunt comes and feeds her. I wish I could still behave like that, but my mother would rather say, “Grow up!” 😀

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