The trouble with Christmas…

The trouble with Christmas is that it is difficult to ignore the fact so many people cannot possibly meet the advertised expectations of joyous celebrations; of friend reunions; of high value gifts; of obsessive amounts of food and drink; of carefree playing around the tree; of even having a tree overloaded with colored lights, sparkling ornaments and gifts!

Are businesses really establishing our basic parameters for a “successful” Christmas, or are they simply marketing their business?

If the latter, then are we really that gullible to adopt their ideas as to how to spend our time and money over the holiday period, or is it really what we want?

If the latter, then how do we rationalize our own need for excesses over the holiday knowing full well that so many others cannot participate. Is it a feeling of entitlement; a response to societal expectations, or simply because we can?

If the latter … can we? Really? People I have known tend to fall into some predictable categories.

There are those who “go with the flow” which is contrary to their financial health. These people dread the credit card statement due in January.

There are those who can comfortably afford the inherent financial responsibilities of an over-indulgent Christmas.

There are those who limit the whole perceived array of festivities to what is reasonable both as a Christian holiday, and as a financial burden.

If you are in the “go with the flow” group, then now would be a good time to sit back and evaluate what Christmas really means to you. Do you really want to be coerced into excesses? Perhaps this is the time to establish some personal restraints on the celebrations. Perhaps this is the time to exert your own authority on the season and say “Yes, we will be celebrating but it will be within some limits because we see no reason to celebrate an imminent debt which will take us many months to pay off!

If you are in the second (affluent) group, then you are indeed fortunate. Perhaps this is the time to review your projected expenses over Christmas, and then consider your charitable contributions to date. Hopefully you will project a contented smile.

If you are in the final group who celebrate within certain restraints, then perhaps this is the time to simply say thank you. If you are as disciplined and financially responsible as this would indicate, then you are probably already contributing to a cause which is dear to you. Perhaps next year, you will be in a position to re-evaluate your contributions to that cause, or expand to include others.

This holiday, which is based on the birth of a savior, provides so many opportunities to evaluate ourselves. Are we having any positive impact on the lives of others, or are we simply living to satisfy our own wants and desires?

That’s the trouble with Christmas. 

Food for thought.

14 thoughts on “The trouble with Christmas…

  1. Unwanted, unappreciated gifts to people who need nothing and want things way too expensive for me to buy. Yep, I’ll stick with my charitable donations. My adult son actually told me just this week how much he liked that I did that last year, and talked about the cause it helped. I said good, because he was getting the same thing this year, LOL! – Lexi’s Mom

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So great on so many levels. I have been preaching this stuff for 20 years. Some people think I’m cheap or uncaring because I refuse to get into the secret Santa stuff. (Presents are really for kids.) My attempts to divert gift funds to worthy causes infuriates some. (What? Nothing to open?) The great news is that at this point I just don’t care. I love giving. I just don’t like wasting money.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Totally agree with you Kate. How I feel about me is far more important than how others feel about me, and I am very happy with who I am. So many people I meet still try and “people please”. Given the varied natures of people, they are doomed to some degree of failure! Hopefully they’ll catch on to it one day! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great read! !
    You know I agree from a recent post of mine. The world in general has become so money orientated. I hope others can see that money is not what will make you happy… at least for long.
    I love the presence not presents theme. . I’m going to use that 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think more and more people are coming back to what Christmas really is about. Love! Sharing love and compassion. I agree with more and more friends and family to not gift us with presents but with presence!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Great thought-provoking post. I regard Christmas as the celebration of an important birth. I have seen 63 Christmas days thus far … as a child, as a family man, as a single man and as a second marriage man. I even remember one Christmas spent on my own when I was horribly lonely. Christmas is over commercialised and so many folk go over the top. Then, well that’s OK I guess. Each to his own.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Chris – As always….. it’s a pleasure to get your response to these posts. I just feel sad for those people who go to excess “just because”. “Just because” they want to impress. “Just because” they feel obligated. “Just because” they have the money. “Just because” it is Christmas. All those “Just becauses” simply divert money from more Christian causes (remembering the Christ in Christmas); they show a deep insecurity (need to impress); they show a lack of personal strength (feeling obligated by others). Overall, there is clearly a lack of understanding about Christmas and/or a strong need to understand Jesus Christ’s perspective on life and values.


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