Books! Books! Books!

As many of you are aware, this has developed into a really busy time for me. It is an interesting situation because, although I have been retired for so many years now, I still have a distinct shortage of hours in a day!  I will admit that I nap more than I used to……!

I should clarify that I am not complaining. I love to have projects “lined up” to do, and I love Nike’s “Do It Now” message, but it is a bit of a “double edged sword”.  On the down side, it regularly gets rather hectic but (and it is a big BUT), on the plus side are the many rewards. I can look back and be very pleased with what I have done, and that is of high value to me.

My book about Ray “Who Said I was up for Adoption?” (A story about one calculating dog… and one unsuspecting human) will always have demands on my time simply because it needs constant promoting in order for  potential buyers to be aware of it.  I am sure that other Indie authors can relate!

I have also had another book “Just Thinking” (A little book, for when you have a little time, with some little writings, which may produce some little thoughts.) in the editing process now since seemingly forever!

I will be signing off the final draft later today, so the publisher can get it moving for public availability. Hopefully, I will soon have a publishing release date.

In addition to that, progress is being made with a (currently) 2-book set “The Odessa Chronicles” (A collection of stories for children ages 1 to 101). This is a joint effort with Carolyn Shelton (see ), and we are currently researching publishers.

Of course Ray is still a prominent part of anything going on around here… but I’ll save that for another Post!

38 thoughts on “Books! Books! Books!

  1. Good for you to have three different books! And I’ve seen the illustrations for the children’s book on Jodi’s blog…they are wonderful. You couldn’t have chosen better. I look forward to seeing the finished product!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I really do love your “Just Thinking” cover! Gives you a calm feeling, before even opening the book. Exciting about signing off on the final draft today.

    Yes, you should be very pleased with the work that you have done! I appreciate it, that’s for sure!! It has been fun seeing you get excited about Fiction. Who would have thought? 🙂

    Nothing wrong with taking more naps. Naps are good, as long as you have your favorite blanket and stuffed toy, would say my 2 year olds. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Whoa! You seem to be too busy donning the author’s hat!
    All this sounds so cool. I’m so happy for you. Enjoy it! 😀

    And, helllooo to you and Ray after a very long time! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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