Ray on guard!

In July of last year, the following Post showed Ray doing “what he does” during the hot months:

Lazy, hazy, crazy days of Summer!

Given how protective Ray is (of us), it can be assumed that we were inside when that Post’s pic was taken.

We are slowly getting into those temperatures again, and this is our time of year to clean up the garden from the ravages of winter. You will note that Ray’s role in the family does not of course change… just his location!

“Enjoy the shade Ray, and don’t worry about crushing that ground cover. It’ll grow back!”

32 thoughts on “Ray on guard!

    • Hi Paul – So glad you did! There are so many dogs that are robbed of their lives by circumstances beyond their control, that they need as much positive publicity as we can give them. While I have no issue with professional breeders, there are so many dogs in shelters that would make the absolute best additions to any family… but there is still a stigma here (Canada) that rescue dogs = trouble. Our beloved Ray is the local “poster boy” for what some patience, time, and loads of TLC can produce. While in the shelter, he was receiving cautious acknowledgement by prospective adoptees… but now everybody who meets him loves him! 🙂


  1. My old cat Jake did that too. He liked to sleep in his catnip bush which was next to some perennials that ended up being collateral damage. It’s their cuteness that stops us from moving them and Ray is a cutie.

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    • Hi Kate. It would seem to me that anybody who wants a “show and tell” house and garden should not have pets. Add to that the remarkable resilience of Mother Nature, and it explains everything! 🙂

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      • “Not having a pet” won’t work for me. I may have to downsize (still don’t know how I got to 4 cats) but none is out of the question even if it’s just goldfish. As Jake would say, “Cupcake, it’s your fault. Never plant a flower next to my catnip!” (Yes, I had a cat who called me Cupcake!)

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