“I’ve got a feeling”

Those of you who have been following me for sometime now will know that I rarely link to a youtube music video, even though music has always been an important factor in my life.

I am currently “buried” in a music project. I am transferring my audio tapes and vinyl albums to my laptop, which will take well over a year to do… but I love having my music readily available and, if it is on my laptop, then it can be copied to my iPod!

To digress just a little, a band which appears to be under-rated here in North America, but have had significant success in the U.K. is Barclay James Harvest. I was just copying an audio tape from the mid-80’s… and this track played. I have no idea why it made the impact it did so long ago, or why it did when I was listening to it just now… but here it is. One of my favorite BJH songs.

24 thoughts on ““I’ve got a feeling”

  1. Now that is a band I have not thought about in years! I remember that the band split up in the late 90’s and two of the original members are deceased since then. This song is beautiful and timeless. I think I must find more of their music, it’s been a long time since I’ve listened. Thank-you for reminding me about BJH. Good luck with completing your music project!

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