“Who are you?” (Part 4)

If you are not familiar with Parts 1 to 3, there is no purpose to be served by continuing with Part 4.

For those of you that have participated so far, you will now need to have ready a pen/pencil, a timing device, and AS MANY PIECES OF PAPER AS YOU HAD NAMES WRITTEN DOWN. i.e. If you had the maximum of 6 names written down, then you will need 6 sheets of paper. If you had only 4 names written down, then you will only need 4 sheets of paper.

Take each sheet of paper and write the person’s name at the top. i.e. Each person named has their own sheet of paper**

**Using word processing software is fine if desired however, simply double space/return between the names so they can all be seen at a glance. It will then be quicker for you to respond to the question further down.  Do not use page breaks.

Your time allowance will be 60 seconds / 1 minute FOR EACH PERSON named in Part 3

Scroll down when you are ready!


Is your timer ready? If you are using a count-down function, then set it for 1 minute for each person named. i.e. set for 6 minutes if you listed 6 names, 3 minutes if you listed 3 names etc.


Question 2. WITHIN THE TIME RESTRICTION NOTED EARLIER (1 minute per person named), take each of the sheets of paper and write down on each one, all the reasons why you admire that particular person. i.e. What attributes do each of those people have which captured your admiration?

Stop after the time allowance has been used.

IMPORTANT:  Some of you will be tempted to review your answers before seeing Part 5, and will no doubt come up with some additions. This exercise becomes meaningless once you expand on your original response.

17 thoughts on ““Who are you?” (Part 4)

  1. Awesome, Colin. I did part 3 and part 4 right now because I did not have the time and peace the last two days. When I read the question of part 3 I knew where this might lead and was confirmed when I got to part 4 (most of all after writing my thoughts down). I wonder if I am right!

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