Colored Pencil Drawing!

We have a local resident, Maria Bell, who is very proficient with her camera. She is constantly looking for photogenic dogs because she creates a book every year “The Dogs of Oakville”, of which all proceeds from sales go to our local Humane Society. Needless to say, Ray has been featured in one of her books.

Just recently, she has decided to experiment with colored pencils and, after some necessary guidance and practice, has started producing drawings of various animals. Again, she decided that Ray would be a good subject and subsequently created a drawing based from an earlier photograph of him. She then superimposed the drawing on a page from my book about Ray (“Who Said I was up for Adoption?”), and sent me the end result (below). We clearly have talent here!

36 thoughts on “Colored Pencil Drawing!

  1. This is one handsome subject captured on paper by one extremely talented artist! A truly unique work of art indeed. Thank-you for sharing, anything Ray brightens the day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome Maria, and as long as he can scent dog treats, or just dog scents (because that automatically increases the chance of treats) … he will just love you too! 🙂


  2. Yowzer! This gal has talent to spare!! I hope you are framing Ray’s portrait!! And she has good taste in which dogs she loves!!

    Love the story about the ‘wavers’! They were definitely waving at superstar Ray. Probably didn’t even notice you or Carol! Lol.
    🔹 Ginger 🔹

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  3. Wow! Its like Ray is leaping off the page. Very good! I looked at her Facebook page and the 2 chihuahuas she has for her cover photo look like my niece’s dogs. Then I saw her drawing of the cat. She makes the hair look so real.
    Yes, she definitely has talent!

    Liked by 1 person

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