“O Holy Night”

I don’t  think that I have ever met anybody who did not like “O Holy  Night”!

A choir at Christmas time is perfect for carol singing, and a young boys choir has to be perfect for the task!

Enjoy and, if your mind starts meandering with the melodic harmonies, then let it meander to those who are no longer with us; to those who are experiencing difficulties this Christmas, and to those who are simply less fortunate than us.

To all my Blogging friends, I shall wish you all a wonderful time over this holiday period, and may all your dreams for the imminent new year be achieved.

It will be my wish that those of us with a good standard of living acknowledge that we are in the minority, and that we should open our hearts, and borders, to the so many that are living at a poverty level and/or living in fear of being brutalized or even killed. Perhaps if we were prepared to lower our standard of living a little, we could help those less fortunate to improve theirs a lot.

It pains me to hear voices denying the rights of immigrant families to a life in a secure environment. It pains me to hear nationalistic rhetoric which serves no humane or compassionate purpose, but merely reinforces the labeling of different cultures.

Regardless of our views on helping others, there is an inescapable reality which we cannot deny. We all live on the same planet and, if anything happens to that planet, then we all suffer the consequences.

Nationalism does nothing more than splinter us into different groups with an increasing potential for conflict.  If those of us with a relatively trouble free lifestyle insist on “us” being our only priority, the world will simply expand the current difference between the “haves” and the “have nots” which, again, will increase the potential for conflict. Any conflict with the weaponry available today, will be a disaster for all life on our planet.

Perhaps the idea of helping to achieve a more world-wide standard of living that covers everybody’s basic needs should be less of a fanciful dream and more of a statement of fact, if we want this planet to be a safe and secure home for our children and grandchildren? Just some Christmas thoughts! “See” you all in the New Year!

PS. Just heard that Ray’s test results came back negative. He is fine! Merry Christmas everybody!

29 thoughts on ““O Holy Night”

    • You can’t beat a good canine Christmas greeting.
      On the first day of Christmas, my owner gave to me … his company while I peed
      On the second day of Christmas, my owner gave to me … 2 pieces of kibble
      On the third day of Christmas, my owner gave to me … 3 liver treats
      On the fourth day of Christmas, my owner gave to me … 4 mini biscuits
      On the fifth day of Christmas, my owner gave to me … 5 yogurt tastings
      On the sixth day of Christmas, my owner gave to me … 6 stems of Kale
      On the seventh day of Christmas, my owner gave to me … 7 slices of cucumber
      On the eighth day of Christmas, my owner gave to me … 8 pieces of mandarin orange (yummy)
      On the ninth day of Christmas, my owner gave to me … 9 apple segments
      On the tenth day of Christmas, my owner gave to me … 10 teeny bits of sponge cake with fresh cream
      On the eleventh day of Christmas, my owner gave to me … 11 pieces of Rutabaga
      On the twelfth day of Christmas, my owner gave to me … 12 big hugs, ear scratches and tummy rubs


      Liked by 2 people

  1. Ahh!! “O Holy Night” , what a perfect song to chooae. A Christmas song that is hard to top and it’s made more poignant by the smiles on the boys faces and by the message in your words. Merry Christmas! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A lovely choice and equally lovely message Colin.
    I have this by Il Divo, and it’s one of my favourite tracks. I also heard Susan Boyle sing it.
    I am so relieved that Ray’s results were negative. That must be a tremendous relief to yourself and Carol. Big (and soft) treats by proxy and all the best for Christmas and the coming year.

    Liked by 1 person

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