Politics and Religion!

Many bloggers will steer clear of politics and religion and, given the abusive nature of isolated comments that are usually generated from those topics, it’s an understandable position. While I can acknowledge the sensitivity of those areas (together with a few other areas), I do believe that feelings/opinions should be expressed. We all view the world differently, and those differences are based on our upbringing, together with any significant emotional experiences. It is therefore quite natural that, while you and I will hopefully have some common interests and perspectives, it is highly unlikely that we will agree on everything. We must recognize the significance of that.

There were many cases of people who lived through the US great depression, who later stored their money at home. A very natural reaction given the collapse of many banks during that time period and, if you cannot trust your bank, it is necessary find a more secure location …. say under the bed mattress! Storing money at home is, to me, rather reckless  as I trust my bank … but I can still understand the other perspective.

Anybody raised in a “working class” environment, will have a very different perspective of the world than somebody whose family was financially very secure. It is not coincidental that door-to-door fundraising is more lucrative in working class neighborhoods than it is in affluent neighborhoods. The rationale explained to me a long time ago was simple – “The more you have, the more you have to lose … the more you hold on to it.”

Living in an area which is either very industrial, or rather precarious in its existence, will often result in a very giving/sharing culture. I experienced that in the industrial north of England, and many will attest to it in Canada’s East Coast communities.

As children, many of us grew up generally trusting people and, while reality dictated that there were “villains” out there, we could believe that they were not a significant factor to us. Conversely however, if we experienced abuse from somebody we trusted, the after effects could quite naturally have impacted our perspective on people for many years into the future.

So where is all this going? It is simply to spread the word that you and I do not necessarily have to be right or wrong. Neither of us needs to get upset at the other’s viewpoint. What we do need to do is to acknowledge that your perspective is created from your life experiences, and my perspective created from mine. If we can respect differing opinions, and perhaps even make an effort to understand them, then we as a society will avoid so many issues.

As for politics and religion? Go for it, and if/when you get a really abusive Comment … try and remember that their life experiences have dictated their behavior. I moderate all my Comments in order to catch those with suggestive, vulgar or otherwise offensive phrasing, but I do that to maintain a standard of blogging.

Even if I do not understand the reasons why an individual becomes abusive here, I can at least acknowledge that there certainly are reasons. Spread the word! 🙂

92 thoughts on “Politics and Religion!

      • You’re absolutely right. I didn’t have it on until I posted my last post. After seeing what people were saying on the link I got the story from, and reading your post, I decided I better turn it on. 🙂

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        • From my perspective … a good move. There is a downside in that you could be receiving Comments for hours before you get the chance to review/approve them. Some people will question whether you received their Comment (because they couldn’t see it) or ask why you haven’t approved it etc. etc. It is however well worth the benefit of being able to trash an inappropriate Comment before any of your Followers read it!

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    • Politics appears to have degenerated into a self-serving profession, and shows little interest in serving the people (except those who finance the political party). Sadly they use every means available, if that includes using religion …. then they will. While I would not condemn everybody in the business of politics (I have to believe that there are some with integrity), they do in general appear to lack any moral fibre and will look after themselves at any price.


      • Church and politics are one. Jesus never wanted this. I think Church and politics are babilon. Antichrist. Church and politics showing to humanity how good they are and how much they help. But this ist just sand in our eyes. How can be pope good if he has money and don’t help. Prayers don’t help hungry people. Because this is satanic work

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        • Thank you so much for your Comments. I too believe that Church and Politics should be separate. The church should be looking after the spiritual health of the community, while politicians should be looking after the various levels of government, with the well being of the population being it’s priority.

          We do however have to be sure that we do not demonstrate the same attributes that we complain our leaders have. None of us are perfect, and therefore to expect perfection in both our political and spiritual representatives is unrealistic and hypocritical. It is very sad that so many spiritual representatives preach the attributes of their religion, and then are found to be totally ignoring those same attributes but, again, we are all flawed. (At a biblical scene of a controversial death by stoning, remember “Let him who has never sinned cast the first stone.”)

          As for the Pope? I have no idea what his financial status is, or what his financial obligations are however, he carries a lot of influence and would appear to be using that influence to promote a lifestyle of compassion, love and understanding etc. Whether he could do more is not for me to determine because, as our faith teaches, we should not pre-judge.

          There are so many ways to do good without giving money. Ask any volunteer working in the social service field. While money is certainly valuable to help the less fortunate, a lack of money should not prevent any of us from helping others.

          Finally,”prayers don’t help hungry people.” Well of course you are correct in that one cannot eat a prayer. So many people fall into the bad habit of praying for God to do something. That is simply upward delegating, and is like telling your boss at work what to do! Praying should surely be to ask for guidance in how to do something, or to receive help in doing something. If one believes in the “power of prayer”, then one must believe that there is value in asking for assistance. Sometimes we will recognize a change that allows us to move forward, or sometimes we find ourselves among people who are sympathetic to our cause. A prayer may be answered in so many ways.

          Religion (regardless of which one) should be our motivation to lead by example in order to promote a healthy and caring community. We must not be deterred by delinquent spiritual leaders or politicians. Again, thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts.


          • I think pope is just a Antichrist. People belive in pope but not in Jesus. If Antichrist was evil who will worship evil man?We don’t need white clothes and altar and many stuff. Only what we need is belive in Jesus. Church have killed many innocent people and take away possession from people.. This can’t be ignored. Jesus was learning, don’t kill. He never say kill in my name!!! This world is going down. Belive my friend. When Christmas belive people in santa-claus and not in Jesus. Church worship Cross where Jesus died. They worship Maria. Where is Jesus? I’m am not going to church BECAUSE I DON’T WANT TO GO IN HELL. To belive in Jesus I don’t need church pope and his satanic influence.

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            • But not everybody in the church is evil! As a Christian you are asked to be compassionate and understanding. Yes, the church has killed many people in its history, and wars have been fought over religion … but you cannot condemn everybody in the church as a result. There are many good Christians doing their work, but sadly they are not newsworthy so we don’t hear about them, but that does not mean that they are not doing good somewhere.

              I don’t believe it is necessary to go to church regularly, but I do believe that we should role model what Christianity teaches us. It is not up to us to judge the Pope, or the Archbishop, or any other church official. The bible teaches us that they will be judged by a higher power at some time in the future.

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                • Agreed, but we also have to be honest with ourselves. We must accept that we are not perfect, and should therefore not expect perfection in others. Jesus did not judge others.


                  • I don’t judge. Church notre dam is damage by fire. Ok. Now rich people can give over 500 millions Euro. How many people starve. There is no help or something. We people must give what work. It’s hard to see this people on street. Rich people do not need because they don’t go where are the poor people.

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                    • But you are judging … and badly. You have judged the Pope in an earlier Comment, and you are judging rich people. It is not for you determine who can/cannot help others. Some of those “rich people” have all their money tied up in businesses which employ people. As for the Pope, how do you know whether he gives money to local charities or third world countries? None of us should judge another because we have no idea what goes on in their lives. The best we can do is guess, and we should not pre-judge based on a guess.


                    • I judge them because their are evil. It’s work of Antichrist. And people will will worship him. People worship pope church. Never can’t pope replace Jesus. That can only Satan do or he wants to do. Like church do. They molested many children and abuse and are not going to jail. In my country people must pay taxes to church! Is this what wanted Jesus? That can people belive? Church killed more people then all viruses and sickness together.

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                    • You said in an earlier comment that you judge! Assuming that was an error, then you can show the way by leading a Christian lifestyle, which does not include criticizing others. Perhaps you could take some time to think about what you have done for others … the hungry, the sick, the homeless etc.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • I have many things. I helped people. Where I live people are starving to. Its more problem there is no middle class. Are rich or poor. I am not rich. I have job but must give food to my children. And there are rich people who do not give nothing to poor. Years ago a spending a lot of my money in Church. Not wen I need church close door. They don’t help. Because this system only takes and don’t give. This is satanic. Yes i judge. But not people. The evil satanic system

                      Liked by 1 person

    • They both can be quite different topics for discussion, but can also be combined. Religion does tend to establish some basic living standards (respect, compassion, understanding, non-judgemental etc.), and politics does tend to establish laws to encourage conformity with many of those standards. However, when religion and politics are combined in a functional sense, then I would suggest that there is a high chance of issues so, unless somebody can convince me to the contrary, I think that politics and religion should be totally separate in the governing of a country.

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  1. You are absolutely right. This world is full of people from all walks of life. It’s beautiful and scary, and ugly at times, but we deal with it. I’ve been learning to accept people where they are in life because I know, “where they are” is not really “who they are.”

    We can agree to disagree and learn to love those who criticize us, because it’s easy to love someone who loves us back, and in the process we may plant a seed that will help them grow into a beautiful flower instead of an ugly weed.

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  2. I agree, one should take into account another’s reasons for reacting particular and different ways than you would. Besides, as in speaking, one cannot hear, if one is yelling, so shut your mouth. Give another person a right to be heard even if you disagree with them; and hopefully, they will respond in kind.

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  3. In an ideal world, every viewpoint should be heard, but each person delivering their perspective should also possess an open mind to other viewpoints. Learning and growth is enhanced when we are willing to speak and listen as well. Growing up on a family farm, my formative years romanticized the world around me as peaceful place of goodwill, where neighbors helped one another regardless of their politics and/or religion; however, having come of age, it didn’t take long to realize my perspective on life was limited to my own experiences. The harsh reality is life is complicated and there is no cookie-cutter resolution for all of the issues mankind faces. Appreciate the post.

    Liked by 3 people

    • You are very welcome. Hopefully other bloggers will decide to “dip their toes” in the deeper waters of controversial topics in general, and particularly in the area of mutual tolerance and understanding. Sadly there is a President who role models quite the opposite, but his time in office will eventually end.

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  4. Awesome post. Empathy, this characteristic is seldom among people, at least with my experience working in social services. It is fine to have values while also recognizing and accepting there are other humans who may have different values. I am not one to attack anyone via social media. Respectfully disagreeing while providing your view points is more productive for debating.

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  5. I usually avoid both topics as I am likely to put my foot in it and offend someone unintentionally.
    Our politics in the UK are a shambles IMO, we have no leadership, and no viable alternative. Parliament is full of squabbling and bickering individuals, arguments never getting anywhere and no solutions put forward.
    Religion is a personal thing, and whilst I do not knock anyone’s belief, I don’t understand the actions of some, nor follow what is taught in the scriptures. I do my best for my fellow man sotospeak, showing respect and courtesy, even if I don’t agree with their point of view on whatever subject matter. I truly believe that you cannot destroy energy and when we expire this life as we know it, there is something else, just don’t ask me what.

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  6. Since you moderate comments to avoid suggestive, vulgar, or offensive phrasing, I’m going to have to be careful here. Yes, it’s all about perspective. Some people speak from their heads, some from their hearts, and some from their, ah, souls. But when controversy arises, let us agree to disagree, rather than allow our blog discussions to go all to . . . well I’ve said enough.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Very well said with good points made! Our world definitely could avoid a lot of issues like you said, if we would only learn to accept each other’s different opinions. The ripple effects of doing that could make such a difference!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Well said. I would also had that if you decide to post controversial topics you need to have a thick skin and a finger willing to delete anything truly obnoxious. In a very weirdly related topic, early in my blogging life a friend told me he like my blog but I wrote about cats too much. I reflected on that and decided to post my (absolutely sparkling!) cat stories on a Friday so none-animal people can scroll on by. We can learn in odd ways but we really can’t change the opinions of others. Good post.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Always a pleasure to hear from you Kate, but I disagree with your penultimate (?) sentence. I believe we can change the opinions of others (at least some of them). If their belief is based on flawed logic, and you can constructively explain that together with offering an alternative, the potential for change is there. Technically we can only influence, as it is up to them to change … but you get the idea! 🙂

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  9. It has gotten discouraging with many so polarized. Far too few are willing to walk a mile in another’s shoes – or to even acknowledge other viewpoints have validity.
    Still there are many who live and let live, appreciate alike but different ( and still be friends) as well as treat others as you wish to be treated. Those often choose to remain silent and walk away to keep things clam. Time to speak up and say firmly but with dignity, “wait, a minute…” to remind those overheated with emotion and those just trying to cause trouble.. Enough already.
    .Your last 3 paragraphs are great ones

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks Karen. Speaking up is the key. While keeping quiet can be an understandable response, many of the offenders have just never learned the concept of treating others the way they wish to be treated. A potential conflict situation then becomes an opportunity to suggest alternative viewpoints.

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      • Education system and parents could do us all a favor by returning to teaching real debate and persuasive strategies that are used to convince people. And instruction should include as it used to: that you are assigned the completely opposite view to present and defend than what you firmly believe. Only by learning dignified debate with emotional control and by practicing it to see it can be done will behavior moderate and maybe people can go back to live and let live or “we agree to disagree and still be friends”. . Meanwhile those who yell the louder, most shocking and offensive seem to be monopolizing the public stage. Real diversity – diversity of thought – and respect of all individuals is being threatened.
        Conflict is unavoidable, but it should be done carefully and with skill – and willingness to walk away without resorting to violence when provoked. Difficult lesson if never taught. Sigh.

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        • Thank you Karen. I like to believe that most parents do the best they can with what they know … but the Education system???? They are teaching the future of our world, and are so delinquent in focusing on skills that support corporate business enterprises, while totally ignoring the skills necessary to be human.

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          • More than every those dinner time discussions are important.
            You are on target with public schools – more focused on creating good team members, group think, and chanting provided answered from scripts by textbook companies rather than civil logical thought processes, personal responsibility, and understanding what makes society and communities work – how to play a constructive part…how humans have made progress. It will be a tight race to see if maturity and comprehension arrive in time

            Liked by 3 people

    • I think it is a majority who remain “silent” (I’m most likely one of the silent ones). The problem that has risen is those that make noise are being left unchecked or are facing others that are “noisy” as well. These noisy folks are the ones that were never taught to respect others’ points of view. When faced with opposition, they get bent out of shape and only yell more.
      It’s not about walking a mile in another’s shoes. It never was, in my opinion. It is the fact that this polarization has been allowed to be without the majority standing up, as you say, and saying, “Cool your jets.” That also has to come with letting the noisy ones know that their thoughts and feelings count for something. Though, that is also becoming increasingly difficult given the lack of respect they show for others that have differing opinions – or even ones that might agree, but do so more quietly…

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      • A simple technique to defuse most “ranters and ravers” (I’ve used it so many times in “lively” meetings) is to let the rant finish … and then say “I can totally understand why you would feel like that, however (and offer an alternative)” It’s not obviously guaranteed, but it works more often than it doesn’t. The ranter always wants an audience and, so often, a combative situation. By initially agreeing with them total deflates their position. Another useful choice of word is “suggest”. If I try and TELL you to do something, and you are combative, you will resist. But if I SUGGEST that you consider something …. you may well receive it totally differently. It’s just making full use of the English language and having some knowledge of how we function. Regards. Colin

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  10. It’s a shame that this is not more often the case. Instead, these “discussions” become $hit shows because a lack of… maturity is not the word I would use directly. I would use the word ‘respect’, and in that I would add to it the word ‘taught’. There are apparently more and more people that were never taught to respect the differences in others. It’s not about liking the differences, either. You don’t have to like someone to give them a little respect. I think the maturity thing is a byproduct of first respecting different viewpoints. It diffuses the frustration that flares when the person with a differing view does not get acknowledged (out of a little respect) for having a different view.
    Once again, I’m not saying that you have to keep your mouth shut and let somebody throw a fit about how their view is the right view. I’m not saying you have to respect everybody as if they were a potential friend. Respect on that level is earned. But a little… “common courtesy” type of respect is far more appreciated than many realize.

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