
Ice covered rocks; snow on the ground; layers of clothes; limited skin exposed to the air … and a spiked coffee as soon as I get home. Winter has arrived at last! What is there not to love about S. Ontario?

Of course there are “some of us” who have a double layer and fitted fur coat, and also expect to be taken out to sniff trees, hydrants, walls, light posts, road sign posts and other objects that are pee targets … regardless of the temperature (about -20C when this pic was taken on Monday).

Some of you will notice that he has boots on. He doesn’t like them, but adjusts very quickly once his nose takes charge of the walk. At least he does not get the pain from salt crystals being jammed between his pads, or the burning sensation of salt on his paws!

27 thoughts on “January!

  1. Benjamin is so clever! He recognized the word “dog” in the email amidst my inbox and said : “That must be from Ray!” As soon as I opened the post and he saw the photo he laughed and said : “I love Ray’s boots and Mr. Colin’s funny hat!” He wanted me to make the photo larger and was disappointed that Ray couldn’t “get bigger”, he also wishes that the snow would come to his house too! When I read the post to him, he laughed and said “that the ‘pee targets’ will get yellow frozen all over them!” Since Ray’s nose is so tiny, Benjamin kissed his index finger and placed it on Ray’s nose and wants you to “give Ray lots of treats.” Thank-you x 2!!

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  2. Noticed Ray’s boots Colin. Maggie has some too now, though we haven’t tested them out fully yet. Our snow has gone, but it’s bitterly cold here and we had a heavy frost again this morning. Hubby has just bought me a new woolly scarf. It’s wide, thick and long so will keep neck, chest and midriff warm. Maggie goes out with her coat and fluorescent jacket on every time now. She’s shed her winter coat and feeling the cold bless her.

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  3. Too funny! I end up breaking out in a sweat trying to bundle up enough to stand around outside with my older dog who works his nose far more than his legs.

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