“So Long Ago”

“So long ago” was a Post from “long ago”, and considers how perceptions of time will vary with any given event. My subject for that Post was our beloved Ray, and how the time when our year was pre-occupied with his heart-worm treatment program seemed like only “yesterday”.

The link below will take you to that Post and, for anybody interested, my book about Ray (“Who Said I was up for Adoption?”) which includes so many challenges as we tried to integrate him into our society, is currently on sale at the Friesen Press Bookstore. It may be worthwhile comparing their prices with Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Google .. and any other on-line book retailer.

So long ago?

Caution: It has been declared in an Amazon review of “Who Said I was up for Adoption?” that one can become quite attached to Ray by the end of the book! Have no fear though because, unlike so many other books about a specific dog, our hero is still alive in the final chapter … and is still alive today!

Check it out. It may be just what you’re looking for to provide a welcome interlude from the stresses of COVID-19 and the slow adjustment to whatever becomes our new “normal”!

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