“Just Thinking”

Many poets write with the intention of allowing the reader to freely interpret as they see fit. and that is fine.  However, my poems are written so that the reader will understand my life a little and, by association, perhaps pause for thoughts about their own life. With that goal in mind, many poems in “Just Thinking” are introduced with a brief overview of the related circumstances.

My life, probably like yours, has had its traumas; successes; failures; celebrations and disappointments. My life, probably like yours, is an ongoing course of learning. This book could well be the perfect catalyst to start some  introspective thinking.

The following “Just Thinking” reviews are from amazon.com

“In today’s busy, stressful world we all need time to take a breather. This book is the perfect thing for that. Sit back and lose yourself for a few moments or longer. Let Colin’s words from his heart speak to your heart. Grab a tissue for some poems and be ready to smile at others, as you find yourself identifying with the emotions brought out in the beautiful poetry. The stunning cover brings peace and that peaceful feeling continues through the pages of this heartwarming book.”

“Mellow observations written while in the midst of restless times. Covers a cross section of experiences over multiple stages of live…I appreciate that sense of ‘circle of life’ perspective. Read this at one sitting or choose bits to read while sipping your favorite beverage. Worth the read as well as the price – especially as a portion of the proceeds goes towards a good cause. Thanks, Colin!”

“This is such a sweet collection of beautiful thoughts and sentiments and reflections. The people and stories and memories are so real and tangible, easy to connect with, easy to read. For each poem I have read so far, it’s like he is talking about someone I know… or someone I would want to know 🙂 This books explores so many things, takes you on so many journeys.. the good and the bad and the beauty in between. This book was given as a gift, and it’s one I will treasure!”

Footnote: Due to the prohibitive costs of making this book available for worldwide distribution, “Just Thinking” is now only available direct from Friesen Press. Click book cover in right column for link to Friesen Press.

27 thoughts on ““Just Thinking”

  1. Hi Colin and a Hi to your sweet Ray!

    Hope both of you are doing well..
    I had been away and still couldn’t get back to reading the blogs as I used to in the past.
    And I am missing a whole load of interesting stories.. ;(
    For now, I am just grabbing tiny bits here and there.. Hope to get through more than that real soon.. 😉

    I had been reading your posts through reader so far and I am visiting your blog just today I think.. 🙂
    Interesting to know about your first booka and Good luck.. 🙂

    I was feeling bit weird when I started up a page with the idea of having a space dedicated just for talks.. Though there were few convos there, I have realised one thing by now.. It usually and almost always happens only in the comments of posts.. Let that be a simple hi or for discussions upon the post. The conversations grows and goes far beyond topic of the post but still under the post.. 😛

    Now I hope you could understand my joy in discovering a similar page in here.. 🙂 To me, this is like having a little room opened for everyone who wishes to drop in just for visiting me and for those who don’t care on invites to the parties held.. 😉

    Feeling better to know that I am not alone in thinking of a page like this.. 🙂

    Thanks for this space and open invite.. 😉

    Happy Weekend and ahead!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Well thank you so much for dropping by and any time you want to initiate a dialogue here, just let me know. For your information, I still have total control over Posts as moderator but, to date, I am happy to say that with over 12 months of blogging behind me, I have only chosen to block 1 Post. Blogging certainly seems to encourage interesting and educational conversations.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Of course we have the moderating control over the comments. I must have mentioned clearly that, though the conversation moves apart, it is interesting and intriguing.. Why else would there be a conversation flowing otherwise.. 😉

        Times ago, I used to think that the comments are to be related to the post and has to stay that way all through. Now I am understanding that the comments are related to the blogger and not just to that post. 🙂

        And now I am looking forward for the comments section as much as the posts as they give away more perspectives and more interesting stuff.. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Hey Colin, what a wonderful idea for a page–a great place for jumping into conversations and mixing. It’s like being invited to a cocktail party without the cocktails and after-six attire. You must post a conversation opener or two…
    I’ll start…your dog photo on your blog banner is irresistible (reminds me of my childhood dog) and the reason I decided to spend my morning commenting on your blog instead of, well, writing. However, I am not alone as a writer with an affliction for procrastination–I heard it’s an inherent part of the occupation.

    Keep blogging!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Well clearly you are having fun (and a break from writing) here. The strength of the photo that you reference is (to me) the eyes. If that makes sense to you, go to the Home page and in the search field (upper right) enter Big Brown Eyes. I think you will like that Post! 🙂

      As for mixing? I have a wonderful group of Followers regularly visiting the various Categories and so often, an interesting dialogue starts! As you say, a cocktail party without the cocktails and no dress code. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I think this is a great idea — having a special page to expand your blog. You actually have two other pages, don’t you? I’m thinking of doing something like this myself, so let me know how it works for you. I’d be very interested in knowing.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes…. 3 Pages – Dear Diary, Dog Stories & Just Thinking. Note that the Pages only introduce the subject. Functionality is triggered by the Categories so Page = Category. The only downside is that WP will only allow a Follow by Blog and not by Category or Page however, so far no problems.

      Liked by 2 people

    • The problem with Following is………. do you really know where they are going? If you cannot answer that with a “Yes” …… then are you really up for the adventure? Welcome to meandray.com ………. your one stop shop for anything to do with a large dog with attitude, some (hopefully) thought provoking writings and some answers to a question you may soon be asking …… who is he anyway?:)

      Liked by 3 people

    • This depends on where your followers might be, and how many hours before your second cup of coffee you’d care to be kicked…
      From just another fellow writer (who happens to be on Pacific Standard Time) that totally gets your sentiment and the motivation we give each other in this wacky worldwide WordPress community. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

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