Blogging? Why?

I recently read a Post which I suspect was written during a very emotional time. The Post was generally criticizing peoples reactions to a variety of circumstances, and I found it quite offensive simply because I felt that I was being attacked. 

Posts lose my interest extremely fast if they include phrases that fall into the following categories:

1. False generalizations: I have noticed this in a number of Posts where the author makes a statement that cannot possibly be supported with any data.

Example: “When a Pit Bull and another breed get involved in a fight, people always blame the Pit Bull”.

I would tend to agree that many times, people will blame the Pit Bull… but “many times” is not the same as “always”.

Example: “Why is it when………………… we always have to ………………………….?”

Without defining who “we” are, it will be interpreted as we being a generalization for all humans. This cannot be substantiated.

Example: “If we do …………….. then they will do………………!”

This is nonsense because I do not know who “we” are, any more than I know who “they” are. Again, it cannot be substantiated.

2. Bad use of “you”: Writing any Post which includes “you” will, by my understanding as a reader mean me!

Example: “You have no idea what it feels like when…………………………..”

If this is a negative statement, then I will be offended and, again, it cannot be substantiated. I probably don’t know how it feels but then, I may totally understand. The Post author has no knowledge of my history and therefore should not make such a statement.

3. Poorly thought through argument: It is relatively easy to point out what is wrong and conclude a cause and solution, but was it really thought through carefully. Could there have been other factors involved? Were other solutions considered? In my life experiences, very few (if any?) people issues are simple to resolve because of the numerous parameters influencing the issue.

4. Delusional statements: Some people seem to slip into this area so easily, which is unfortunate because it turns me off, and presumably a number of other readers.

Example: “I knew exactly what they were thinking”.

It is not possible to know exactly unless the “thinker” expresses his/her thoughts, and then the author would surely quote what was said!

Example: “I have a problem when you make me feel…………………………….!”

The author certainly does have a problem, but it is not accepting responsibility for their own feelings. We all have choices as to how to react to circumstances, and with those choices come ramifications. With those ramifications comes the responsibility which should be accepted. As somebody once said “The only power you have over me, is what I allow you to have.”

5. Condescending questions: How to turn me off your Post (and Blog) really fast? Describe an issue that you have, and invite solutions… and then ignore them!. The scenario I have in mind (and for which I discontinued following the blog) was one in which the author had only one solution to a problem. My response was to negate that solution and offer an alternative. A number of other readers made generally the same comments as I did. Not one comment supported the author’s solution … but that is what was decided anyway. Asking for input and then ignoring it, especially when consistency was evident, simply displayed a total lack of respect for the readers time. The blog closed down shortly after that incident.


I wrote this Post because Blogging is, to me, a wonderful way of meeting people around the world. I can learn so much from the varied perspectives offered, and I like to think that my writings have prompted thoughts by my readers. Writing about Ray has proved extremely rewarding in the resulting dialogues via various Comments, and even my Dear Diary and Just Thinking Posts have received some favorable and interesting responses!

The point of all this is that without readers, I would have to question what I am doing here. Writing to a silent world is nothing more than literary masturbation. The few moments of pleasure (after publishing) are soon lost in the deafening silence that follows.

Why would anybody deliberately write a Post which is going to offend its readers? Food for thought.

23 thoughts on “Blogging? Why?

  1. Unfortunately in this day and age, I think people write and say things online they would never say in person. The annonomous nature of online responses seem to provide a certain segment of people license to post thoughtless and inconsiderate comments. It is very unfortunate when anyone uses ‘absolutes’ like “all, always and never.” No greater way to push buttons that to use those any of those terms.

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    • Hi Monika – The Post that triggered my comments was, I am pretty sure, simply an emotional outburst. However, I do agree with you that many bloggers hide behind the perceived anonymity of the internet after all, if somebody says something unpleasant, they always have a Delete function at their fingertips!

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    • Well Speedy, I guess it takes all sorts to make a world, and it would be really boring if we were all the same wouldn’t it. Then of course there are people who are having difficulties with some issues, and simply need to vent their emotions periodically. As others have noted, the “delete” is always available, as is the “unsubscribe” option! 🙂

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  2. I write a humor blog, mostly about getting older and cats. A few years back I offended a much older woman with a blog post that I considered funny. Since then I have tried to be more sensitive without altering my style. I try to stay away from the crazy bloggers and it doesn’t take many posts to figure it out. I followed one blogger who was an excellent writer but she would routinely post selfies. That’s all, just selfies. Delete! Some people confuse blogging with Facebook or other social media sites although you can really post anything you want.

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    • Agreed. Selfies do not hold my attention either. I also lose interest in constant links to other blogs. I want to “scratch the surface” of the Blog’s author, not be given daily guided tours around other Blogs! I also don’t stay long with blogs that constantly review products because a. Impartiality is highly suspect and b. I can google product reviews any time I want.
      Unlike you Kate, I don’t think that I’ve ever offended anybody much older than me but then… I don’t think that I know anybody in the blogosphere who is much older than me! 🙂

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  3. My guess is that you are right: the person wrote that post while in an extremely emotional state and was still feeling very upset and defensive about the incident he or she was describing. That kind of writing is not without value, as it can let all those bad emotion outs, but it’s not for sharing. Because, as you say, writing is ultimately about communication, and alienating our readers simply drives them away. And then we are writing only for ourselves, which is journaling, not blogging.

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  4. Many folks simply lack basic literary rules education. (did I just say that? ) For others what is written is a direct reflection of the vernacular inherent in their environment. Some are just plain rude while others haven’t a clue. I know that for me, not having the advantage of inflection that occurs in verbal communication, written thoughts involving emotional subjects can be difficult to word properly. All that being said, it is nice to be able to “shut-off” those who annoy me consistently. ; )

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    • Effective writing is not easy due to (as you note) the lack of voice inflections. I would add that body language is a powerful communication tool when in a face to face vocal exchange and, of course, there is no body language over the internet. My issue with an emotional Post is deciding whether I have anything positive to offer the author, or whether to just move on to the next Post. Like you, of course, the “shut-off” option is always there for “repeat offenders”!

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  5. Ah, Thank you for this post Colin 🙂 It resonated a lot with me and what I have also found sometimes in the blogging world. Still we do have the choice of not reading these annoying posts, which I then exercise! 🙂

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    • Agreed, and I have stopped after the first few lines of quite a few Posts. The one that triggered this Post started off as a writer who seemed rather distraught so I tried to give it some additional time!

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  6. The number of times I read, re-read, edit and read again posts before I publish! Even then, I can get my wording or phrasing totally wrong (as you well know Colin!) but I would not deliberately offend anyone. I don’t or can’t understand why someone would want to be offensive towards their readers unless it is ‘for effect’, in which case it seems pretty pointless as this is more likely to drive them away. Sometimes I have ‘adjective’ syndrome in the guise of repetition, and admit to having to look some words up in posts in my reader!

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    • Hi Di: Yes, I too draft up a Post and then go over it many times before hitting that Publish button… for all the reasons that you mention! Somebody once told that me that if job was worth doing, then it was surely worth doing thoroughly.

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    • It could be a money making site where drama may attract readership but, in the case that I had in mind, I think it was just an emotional outburst which perhaps should not have been Posted. I have always liked the concept that writing anything while emotions are running high may well be therapeutic, but the end result should be stored away somewhere for a day or two. It can be reviewed at a calmer time, and then made public if desired.

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