
I was recently steered to a video (link below), on the basis that I might be interested because I know of somebody who parallels the circumstances covered. While I admire the mother’s sense of the realities of their particular situation, I also have to admire anybody that young who is prepared to explain about their developmental challenges.

The above linked video also generated a conversation on our society, and what so many of us do, and do not, accept. We noted that so many people have the perspective that heterosexuality is the only acceptable option. Sadly there is no acknowledgement that the individual could well have no control over the matter, but is ostracized regardless. On a positive note, it is nice to see those “boundaries” softening, but we still have a long way to go.

Indirectly from the video, our conversation drifted to “tomboys”! It is interesting that a young girl can dress up in boy’s clothes and generally act “boyish” and be accepted as a tomboy. If a young boy, however, dresses up in girls clothes and generally acts “girlish”, the reception would tend to be quite different.

The above is clearly just the proverbial “tip of the iceberg” in any discussion around sexuality, but it does make one wonder how on earth we got to become so intolerant of “differences” in general? My immediate reaction is to lay the blame on narrow-minded religious teachings. That may be a little unfair, but so much of our history has been highly influenced by the church. Religious wars are in our past so we know that they had a significant degree of control over society in earlier times.

I am no expert on the bible, but I do believe that understanding, compassion, love thy neighbour, and other related terms of caring for our fellow humans is quite decisively mentioned. I also believe that other major religions stress similar character traits, so what justifies our intolerance to those who are different? What right do any of us have for saying “You are different from me, and therefore you shouldn’t be here”?

Digressing away from sexuality issues, I find it rather amusing (in a very sad kind of way) that this continent (N.America) is the home to so many immigrants. Even those who were born here were likely born from immigrant parents. So many grand-parents etc also came here as immigrants. With the greatest respect to the native people who populated this continent before England, Spain and France discovered their lands, the US and Canada would not be the same today were it not for the immigrants from the past. i.e. Most people here are from immigrant origins. The obvious question from all this is … Why is there a current of intolerance towards immigrants threading itself through our society?

Have we really become so egotistical; so self-centred; so protective of “our world”, that we now guard it so intensely that the well being of others is an acceptable sacrifice?

Just thinking.

5 thoughts on “Equality?

  1. I, too, am puzzled by the prejudice and intolerance pervasive in today’s society. Everybody wants to be on top, be better than someone else, I guess. “We may not be rich but at least we’re not ________.” (Fill in the blank–on welfare, abusing drugs, homeless, queer, Mexican, black, etc.) Somehow, it makes us feel better about ourselves. A wise friend once said no one ever elevated himself by putting someone else down. I understand the Bible the same way you do, loving your neighbor as yourself and treating others the way you’d want to be treated. It requires empathy, the ability to put ourselves in another man’s shoes. We seem to have lost that, in our zeal to Look Out For #1.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I could have written this. When “the wall” was in the news all the time, I kept reminding everyone that no one is truly native and we are all immigrants so why are we special and ok and others are not. I also think much of the sexual discrimination dates back to religious fanatics. The pure teachings of all the religions call for empathy and kindness but somehow that doesn’t transfer into daily living.

    Liked by 2 people

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