“The Blessing”

I have decided to step back from Blogging for a while, so thought it appropriate to offer you a musical blessing.

The reason for the Blogging decision falls into two main areas. The primary one is that I have numerous other interests  all competing for my time, and a number of which have been badly neglected these past few years. The other reason is the ongoing frustrations of WP screwing around with their programs, and leaving me (the user) floundering about wondering what happened, and how do I now ….. (whatever).

This morning I went to display my earlier posts so I could finish one for today, and did not recognize the screen that popped up. Further, I saw no explanation, nor any help, to find what I was looking for. This has been an ongoing habit of WP, and now I am quite simply tired of spending time trying find my way around my own Blog. The Blog will be “open for business” from your perspective for a long time yet, as I want to copy many of my Posts into a separate file on my pc, so you are welcome to stay in touch if so desired.

This Blog was started in 2014 and the relationships created as a result have been wonderful. I will not mention names, just in case I overlook somebody, but I can honestly  say that:

Without this Blog, I would not have met people from all around the world.

Without this Blog, I would have never met a Follower who was visiting Canada, and with whom I ultimately co-authored a book (“The Odessa Chronicles”).

Without this Blog, I would have never realized the interest that could be shown towards an ex-shelter dog, and would probably have never written “Who Said I was up for Adoption?”

Without this Blog, I would have never known (and later had dinner with) a Follower who decided to move here to live.

Without this Blog, I would never have put some of my  poetry “out there” to see how it was received, and consequently would never have published “Just Thinking”.

Without this Blog, I would have never met a number of people who are generally in synch with my perspectives … or perhaps I am just in synch with theirs?

Anyway, it has been a lot of fun … and who knows what the future holds in store for any of us!

43 thoughts on ““The Blessing”

  1. I’ll miss your posts and hearing about Ray, but I completely understand. I think many bloggers feel this way, as the traffic and posts in my part of the blog world seem to be on the decline. I think Word Press is just making it too hard to blog. I just signed up for another year, but may or may not last that long, as it is getting very annoying. Anyway, best wishes to you, and I’m glad our paths crossed!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for the beautiful words you found for your followers. I can only second this! We started blogging around the same time and I can relate to the blessings you mentioned about blogging. So much inspiration and inputs that got you to expand in ways that might not have been possible without.
    I hope the frustrating issues are solved soon. But at the same time, I am glad that you decided to dedicate more time to the many other of your interests. Take care and we will be there whenever you are back. Much love to you, dear friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I shall miss your musical choices and of course Ray. Know what you mean about WP, though with SueW’s help yesterday, I was able to get back the classic editor. Hubby’s blog is totally screwed though. Take care Colin. Love to Carol, and hugs and treats by proxy for Ray.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sorry you are taking a step back; WP seemed to have cheesed off a number of us and I’m not sure if we collectively have any recourse but to do as you have done. After recently renewing my subscription to a hefty tune I might add, I feel like I’ve been scammed and really not happy about it. The Block editor is aggravatingly annoying and in this day and age, who needs more of that? Stay safe, sane and keep smiling and please give my favorite shepherd mix a good ear rub.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You (and Ray…ok, mostly Ray) will be missed! Everyone needs a break now and then. WP has been annoying. I wrote a post about it several months ago and WP reached out to me to give me links to videos on how to use the new editor. Who knew they read posts? Must have a logarithm for these things. Best wishes on whatever you will be doing and hope to see you back refreshed.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. What a beautiful song!
    Yes, where would we be if you had never blogged? Odessa and friends wouldn’t be touching the hearts of others and you and Ray wouldn’t have touched so many hearts, including mine! What a Blessing it has been. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  7. So you are quitting yet again? Congratulations. Come to my Blogoholic’s Anonymous meeting, and I’ll sponsor you. You get tokens for how long you’re able to go without posting something. Unfortunately, I have yet to earn such a token.

    But if this is really “it,” then take care. It’s been nice knowing you, and I wish you well, wherever the future takes you.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi TG – Not quitting per se. I am just stepping back for a while, and the “while” could be a few months. My Blog is still my contact point for some people; it is my method of promoting my books (the traditional methods are high priced); It has been my introduction to music that I had not heard before; it has been entertaining and educational reading other Blogs, and (most importantly) it is simply my way of staying in touch with quite a few people. I am expecting that when I can “catch-up” on my other interests, then I will have the patience to manage WP, or to find another Blog host! For you …. just keep chasing those unicorns, and I will keep Following from a safe distance! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      • Sounds like your slate is full, these days.

        I understand about WP. They’ve eliminated the traditional Dashboard, so now we are forced to go with the new, “improved” WP. For the most part, I don’t mind, after having figured out how to use their new editor. But there are a few features I miss from the Dashboard.

        For those, like you, who have not prepared for this, there will be a learning curve. It’s too bad WP doesn’t provide much help with the learning.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Totally agree with you, and then there is the “age factor”. Nobody of sound mind is going to try and run a business by planning for the 70 yrs+ age group. It would seem to be a simple matter of adapting to our senior years by acknowledging that we are not the focal point of marketing anymore. From my perspective, that explains why I shake my head at so many TV ads; why I am lost with much of today’s “music”, and why I wonder what possessed the majority to vote into power a clear idiot with self-serving priorities. I can recall my grandmother saying how the world was going mad and she didn’t understand it. I can recall my father shaking his head in disbelief (“They call that music?”) I am now at the age that they were when they felt they were losing touch! 🙂

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          • Well, most marketing and programming is not aimed at the older generation. Except, of course, all those drug ads. But I didn’t much understand the younger generation when I was in the younger generation. Much of “youth culture” seems to be fashioned after perceptions derived from news and advertisements. Something is “cool” because slick marketers say it’s cool.

            To me, true youth culture is that of feeling scared shitless that one won’t last in their new job, and that they’ll end up homeless or living with their parents again. That’s what being a youth is really all about.

            Liked by 1 person

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