
I love nostalgia! I create moments, just for me, when nostalgia drives my thought process.

Like most (if not all) of you, my past includes good choices and bad choices. Even choosing to not make a choice… is a choice. Perhaps the status quo at that time was more attractive than the perceived options? Regardless of that history, all those choices made us who we are today so nostalgia (to me) is an opportunity to revisit some choices of “my yesterday”, and see how they are impacting “my today”.

In November, four years ago, two dogs of apparent German Shepherd mix were seen on a farm not too far from where I live. I can imagine that it probably aroused nothing more than a mild curiosity as dogs do get loose occasionally, but will either eventually find their own way home, or be picked up; identified from their tags, and a quick phone call reunites them with their owners.

In November, four years ago, I had decided that perhaps I would like to have a dog in my life. Never having had one before, I went to the Humane Society in order to talk about the possibilities, and resulting responsibilities and obligations.

In November, four years ago, two dogs of apparent German Shepherd mix were seen a number of times wandering around the same farm. The farm owners now became a little concerned, and decided to phone our local Humane Society. A van was dispatched and both dogs were captured and taken into care.

In November, four years ago, I started my education on what is involved in looking after a dog.

In November, four years ago, one of those two stray dogs started a program of socialization and general adjustment, to a world of expected behavior and reward.

It was four months before Ray was considered a suitable candidate for adoption.

It was four months before the decision to adopt Ray was made.

Two beings travelingย  in the same direction, and at the same speed, but on parallel roads. I guess the eventual meeting was inevitable! ๐Ÿ™‚

25 thoughts on “Nostalgia!

    • There is no doubt in my mind that dogs have feelings. They also dream. They also express emotions. Anybody who believes to the contrary has either never lived with a dog, or not spent enough time just watching and trying to understand their dog. Ray has chased things in his dreams; has experienced discomfort in his dreams; he has displayed loss when either one of us leaves him, and has expressed disapproval upon our return; he has expressed joy when in the garden and concern (used to) if I approached him with anything resembling a stick (broom, garden spade). He is clearly capable of anger, as he is of showing affection.
      A doubter could argue that I am simply putting human emotions onto him and, to some degree, that could be true. Is he really chasing things in his dreams or is it some neurologically based muscle reaction? However, his indisputable traits of anger, friendship, fright, caution, protectiveness, happiness and pain are indicators to me that he has feelings. I really don’t see how else those traits could exist without them. I will copy this response to your Post.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I 100% agree! And not just dogs, but ALL animals have feelings. I don’t even understand how it can even be debatable. But there are obviously many people who don’t agree which is why these poor beings are treated terrible by some. Did you watch the video on this post of mine? I think it speaks volumes!

        Liked by 2 people

        • Sadly there are so many examples of animal abuse. There was one on Youtube a couple of months ago that showed a man holding a dog at arms length over a gorge somewhere (a huge drop to the bottom). The dog was obviously frightened. The man then just let go of the dog, and the video operator filmed it as it fell! Extremely sick minds at work!


          • There are so many horrible things out there happening to animals, from the story you mentioned to factory farms, and much more! This is why I do what I do. They are such sweet, defenseless beings who want nothing but love. I strongly believe the future of how animals are treated in this world is in the hands of children, which is why I really believe in Red Rover Readers Program. It teaches children empathy.
            I wonder how those people who threw the dog down the big drop would feel if someone was holding them over one? Errrrrrr!!!!!!

            Liked by 1 person

    • Hi George. This was just the “tip of the iceberg” re my eventual meeting with Ray and the ultimate adoption. I didn’t want to take too much away from his “Who Said I was up for Adoption?” book!


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