Christmas Books!

Friesen Press have just taken over the administration aspects of the book “Just Thinking”, so I now have the luxury of being able to track sales of both my books from the same website. I guess, as in life in general, one learns from one’s mistakes.

So, with Christmas on the horizon, if you  have a budding poet on your Christmas list, or someone who would enjoy uncomplicated poetry, “Just Thinking” may be the right Christmas gift? Just thinking!

Perhaps you do not have a poetry lover/reader on your list, but there is a dog lover who might enjoy “Who Said I was up for Adoption?”

Please remember that unlike so many stories that are based around a specific dog, Ray does not die in the last chapter. He is still extremely alive today!

Below is a link to both books at Friesen Press. For my more recent Followers, it may be of interest to  note that both books are “not for profit” ventures.