Author? Editor? PR Agent?

As so many of you are already aware, the hardest part of getting a book “out there” are the promotional aspects. Without a really healthy budget, it becomes a matter of determining how to reach potential buyers at minimal cost.

This blog is my most consistent method of advertising, and I have had a local newspaper run a promotional story. A few businesses have agreed to display a promotional poster, and I have just recently had our local B.I.A. (Business Improvement Area)  agree to posting material on their  promotions sign board as well as on their office front window.  There are a number of other BIA’s which I need to contact but, with the exception of this blog, those are all local advertising, so how do I reach the world in general?

I have participated in a number of written interviews within the Blogging community, and have used social media. This coming Thursday, I am being interviewed over the telephone by a company in the US that apparently records the conversation; edits it as necessary, and then broadcasts it. It  is my understanding that there are companies in the book business who like to listen to the author interviews as it may help them decide which new books should perhaps be seriously considered.

Given that all promotional costs must be considered in the context of potential pay-back, I have deliberately kept my costs to a minimum, and that includes promotional materials. Below is my latest endeavor for local promotions, and is a simple combination of Word Processing and Paint software!

It is a glossy 4″ x 6″ hand-out. Whether it will have any impact will be apparent soon enough, but the cost was minimal (the photograph paper), some printer time and toner, and my time! Can I appropriately modify it to reach potential buyers outside of our area? Probably … everything has to be tried because no promotions will almost certainly equate to  “0” sales, and why write a book if nobody is going to get any pleasure from reading it? 🙂

20 thoughts on “Author? Editor? PR Agent?

  1. Maybe some dog obedience schools would promote Ray’s book in their establishments. ‘Course, that may put them in the same can of worms (dog food!) as the vet.

    Perhaps an established author, like David Rosenfelt or, I believe, Dean Koontz, would put a blurb on their websites for Ray’s book. If that’s even kosher. They are both active in caring for dogs in their private lives. I suppose it’s possible that one author might actually reach out to help a ‘newbie’.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Typically, all any author can do is to try as many possibilities as possible. There will be many rejections but, perhaps, the next contact will be cooperative . Who knows! 🙂


    • That thought did cross my mind a long time ago, but then I saw the staff cleaning that kind of stuff off the tables and into the garbage. From their perspective, it probably makes perfect because otherwise their tables would always be littered with promos! Not the nicest of atmospheres to chill and enjoy a latte! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

        • At the moment, I am working through” pet-related” businesses. Again though, the issue is a sensitive one because once a vet (e.g.) allows private advertising, they set a precedent which they may later regret. Ray’s vet is promoting on their FB account which is very nice of them.
          It can certainly be done, but one gets a lot of “sorry’s” before the desired “Yes of course!”

          Liked by 1 person

          • I’m surprised by the vet. But then again, it is advertising for them as well that they have such a loyal client.
            I promise this is the last suggestion for the day – Do you socialize Ray? Is there a park you go to? People with dogs you meet on a daily basis? Simple word of mouth might do the trick.
            Press on!

            Liked by 1 person

            • Oh yes. He has his own business card which we freely hand out! There are many ways to promote Ray’s book at a local level, but it is much more challenging at an international level….. and that is where 99% of the potential buyers are! 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice job on the handout! Love the wording about Ray “Adopting himself into your heart.” 🙂
    I hope that your radio interview and these handouts do help out in promoting Ray’s special book. Its like you said, all you can do is try different things and see what works. If they help to attract a few more book sales for you, that’s a few more than you had before, right! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Colin. Yes, Getting yourself out there is bloody difficult. I am in the process of trying to publicize a poem/song about Scottish Independence. I have no money available. I did my homework and am currently sending it out with a covering letter to people and organisations who I’m pretty sure would find it of some interest. So far …. zilch.
    Ray is his own best publicity I guess as is your own very obvious love and tenderness for him. And your blog is great, which is why I follow. Love that photo on the hand-out. How about a metal/plastic Ray Badge.

    Liked by 3 people

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