Fish prefer dogs!

If you read enough comments about dogs, you will invariably come across quite a few that express a preference to them over humans. It is understandable, in that dogs possess a number of wonderful traits that so many members of our own species choose to ignore, such as loyalty and acceptance. Dogs don’t seem to care what anybody looks like, or even what other dogs look like. As long as a desire for friendship is reciprocated, and then nothing else matters!

I was going through some old files and came across the following.  Even sharks prefer dogs, given their apparent choice of drink to compliment an imminent meal! For anybody not familiar with Sherman’s Lagoon, allow me to introduce you to Sherman and his wife Megan!

Sherman’s Lagoon is a comic strip created by Jim Tooney and syndicated world-wide.



25 thoughts on “Fish prefer dogs!

  1. Giggle. That comic is funny. I just heard this morning on the radio that a survey was done that said people like dogs better that humans. The survey asked people if they’d rather give money to save a man dying of cancer or a dog dying of cancer. The dog won. It also went more in depth and got a little disturbing. But, there ya go. My first dog was my entire life. I didn’t think I could ever fall for another after he left, but I did. They’re so easy to love.

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    • Hi Lori – They certainly do have some traits that are generally lacking in humans. Somebody once said “I don’t know where dogs go to when they die but, wherever it is, that’s where I want to go!” That says it all doesn’t it! 🙂

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  2. Tink prefers water with everything, of course – and I don’t intend to let him close enough to shark infested waters to find out what they’d prefer with him! Cute cartoon, Colin – the strip is new to me as well.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to educate a world!”

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  3. That cartoon is precious. It reminds me of a very old one of two alligators sunning themselves on the beach. One said to the other “That was delicious. No fur, no feathers, no scales. We have to get more of that.” Nearby there were two explorer outfits strewn on the ground. Happy Wednesday!

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