Life’s like that!

Being bitten by Sabre (a female German Shepherd) around 55 years ago, not surprisingly, affected my view of dogs in general. It really wasn’t that I did not like dogs, but more I simply did not trust them. I got to know a few (5 come to mind!) dogs over the years, but it was not until late 2012 that I started thinking about possibly adopting one and, around this time in 2013, we signed the adoption papers for Ray.

I was introduced to computers a very long time ago, and have always enjoyed their capabilities. I have readily adopted all the necessary upgrades and generally consider myself as quite proficient with the technology however, computers have always been a useful “tool” for doing things! They are of course wonderful for storing huge amounts of data, and email can certainly be a positive asset for various reasons. One thing that I never considered using it for, until Ray had been with us for about 18 months… was for blogging.

While I happily got into the blogging as a way of sharing various moments with Ray with anybody who was interested, it had never crossed my mind to write a book about anything in particular. All that soon changed and I was soon drafting up “Who Said I was up for Adoption?” (previously titled “A Dog’s Life?”), which many of you know was published in May 2016.

Also from blogging, I now have friends all around the world of various nationalities, cultures, spiritual beliefs, skin colors, together with a broad age range and no doubt various shapes and sizes.

Pulling all these factors together, I guess I should say “Sabre, wherever you are, thank you for biting me. Without that nip on my leg, it is possible that none of the other events would have taken place. I may have adopted a dog much sooner. I may have never felt the need to start a blog; I may never have met Ray, and then I may never have “met” all these fellow bloggers. Thank you Sabre!”

Life’s like that! Food for thought!

30 thoughts on “Life’s like that!

  1. I wish to thank Sabre as well for his part in leading you to start a blog! šŸ™‚
    It is always interesting to see how one thing can lead to another. How even unpleasant incidents can lead to wonderful things!

    Liked by 2 people

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