1967 – Flower Power!

1967 made San Francisco the “centre of the universe” for me. All the societal restraints had been discarded and a perceived idyllic lifestyle created.  “Flower Power” was perhaps the diversion necessary from the ongoing daily threat of a nuclear holocaust. I loved this song!


1963 was a prolific year of sounds for me. It was probably no different from previous years, but I was now 17 and more receptive to the popular songs. Special mention goes to Richard Anthony “Too Late To Worry”; Brenda Lee “All Alone Am I”; The Shadows – various!; Cliff Richard “Summer Holiday”; The Crystals “Da Doo Ron Ron”; Tornados “Telstar”, but the one that “hit me” more than the others was probably “Wipe Out”. 

1959 was …

… an interesting year for me. While I never took to Elvis Presley, and my interest in Buddy Holly was quite a few years ahead, the Everly Brothers were a different story! Even though my older sister (now 16) really liked them, and as much as I (now 13) refused to like them …. “Crying in the Rain” really got my attention. I do not recall any reaction to the lyrics until many years later …. but the harmonies? This song was my introduction to close harmonies, and I loved them!

A New Direction!

This Blog was started predominantly by my desire to share my experiences with our 80lbs of fur … otherwise known as Ray. That road ultimately resulted in my book about him “Who Said I was up for Adoption?”

Music is a very strong force in my life and so, inevitably, it crept into this Blog, along with a variety of other topics which I found sufficiently interesting to share. I even posted some of my poetry which also resulted in a book “Just Thinking”

Meandering through the Blogging community resulted in a book writing partnership which created “The Odessa Chronicles” (stories for children of all ages!).

I have many other interests which were now taking a “back seat” to Blogging, and the only way that I could effectively re-focus was to relegate this Blog to a lower priority in my life, which is where I am currently at however, I just thought of a compromise.

How about I create a regular Post with music as its basis? In fact, I could cover all the years from my first attachment to music … being 1956 when I was 10! The beauty of this idea (from my perspective) is that it does not take much time to come up with a song, and as long as I can find it on YouTube, then all is well!

Stay tuned for a 1956 musical memory. Who knows … it might bring back good memories for you!


Quite a while ago now, I posted a link to a Buffy Sainte-Marie song, and not only was it well received (as it should be), but I also received a thank you from her … for loving her songs. She has had a remarkable musical career, and I have been a fan from way back in England in the mid-1960s. Continue reading


Hunter Muskett was a group that I saw live at our local Folk Club in the late 1960s/early 1970s, and subsequently bought their “Every Time You Move” album … on which “Snow” is the last track. The attraction of their sound was mainly being totally acoustic at a time when the electric guitar was being explored by the likes of Jimi Hendrix. Continue reading