
While I  was putting the final touches to my book of poetic verse “Just Thinking” (click cover in right column for more info), I came across an invitation to submit a “peace poem”. The end result was that “My Dream” was included in the “Poets for Peace” book. Continue reading

“My Dream”

November 11, being designated here as “Remembrance Day” is today acknowledging that 100 years ago, a devastating war concluded. Given that we were embroiled in another one just over 20 years later does pose the question “Didn’t we learning anything about ourselves?” Here we are in 2018 and, looking as far back as the end of WWII, I once again wonder “Why are we still not getting it?”

The following poem is from my book “Just Thinking” Continue reading


Given the changes in our world over the past few months, and the seemingly continual antagonism created by thoughtless individuals… and the predictable backlash from other equally thoughtless individuals, I thought that I would take the liberty of repeating “My Dream”. It will be appearing in my “Just Thinking” book which is currently in its final revisions stage before publishing. Continue reading